Steampunk Or Robot Art ? Make Insect With Metal

Tom Hardwidge, a digital designer by profession in UK, has a hobby of making steampunk insects by using pieces of clockwork and inactive ammunitions. His creativity is stunning where you see the wasted metal pieces turned into beautifully crafted insects. The detail with which each insect is made from the recycled material is worth applauding.

Steampunk raw material

Steampunk arthrobot

Steampunk arthrobot

Steampunk praying mantis

Steampunk golden grasshopper

Steampunk golden grasshopper

Steampunk wasp

Steampunk wasp

Steampunk bee

Steampunk bee

Steampunk bug

Steampunk bug

Steampunk dragonfly

Steampunk dragonfly

Steampunk trantula

Steampunk trantula

Steampunk packaging

Steampunk packaging
Hardwidge says, “Although the cogs and gears are recycled from old, broken pocket watches and the bullets are deactivated rounds, a lot of my other materials aren’t recycled. There’s no reason why I can’t source more recycled metals in the future and I intend to do so.”
This kind of art maybe become more awesome if be combined with nano robotics technology art. I think it will be so fun if they can move and fly!! :D

Check his website and blog to know more about his art.

Source  : 
1800 Recycling

tag  :  stemapunk, art, robot, insect
Steampunk Or Robot Art ? Make Insect With Metal Steampunk Or Robot  Art ? Make Insect With Metal Reviewed by on Monday, March 14, 2011 Rating: 5

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