Wonderful Microscopic Snow or Snowflakes Pictures

Since I was a kid, I just know that snow is cold. And when I in Junior High School, I know that snow has unique structure. But, I haven't seen snowflakes structure clearly under microscope. But, just some minutes ago, I found wonderful snow pictures!!
In fact, a lot of people know that snow just have one kind of form, but actually every snow flakes has an unique form that so structured!! 

Just check the pictures below!! These pictures has been taken under a microscope electron.

The snow structure is very beautiful and designed very well. Who was designed all of them. Check my older post here.. :D

source : akirathedon.com

tag  :  snow picture, snowflakes picture under microscope, microscope electron picture snow
Wonderful Microscopic Snow or Snowflakes Pictures Wonderful Microscopic Snow or Snowflakes Pictures Reviewed by skyoko7@gmail.com on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Rating: 5

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  1. Thanks for sharing it........
    Microscope is a modular tool equipped with a custom made system, which is used for research application.


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